Homeowner's Insurance Inspections


SIGNIFICANT lifting/sinking or separation in pavement (2 inches or more is considered significant) that would cause an abnormal risk to trip hazard should be marked as major condition concern. If the sidewalk or driveway is lifting/sinking or separated by 1/2 inch to just under 2 inches, it should be considered a minor hazard.

Separation And Sinking
Separation And Sinking

Sidewalks near the street that could be city or community property should only be noted as a minor condition concern if a significant problem (as described above) exists.

Slabs Offset
Slabs Offset

Hairline-type cracks with very minimal (less than 1/2 inch) or no lifting/sinking or separating or a driveway simply crumbling with some areas of loose gravel should not be marked on the inspection at all. We are looking for obvious liability issues due to trip hazards.

Substantial Deterioration
Substantial Deterioration

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